Where To Start????

It’s funny, we all have heard this saying many times, “The only thing constant is change”.  Yet, a lot of us fight change.  We do the exact same things over and over again trying to make a difference but the results are the same.  We wonder why and can’t explain it and say it will be better next year.  I know I have done that many times in my life. Leaves change colors at various times depending on a number of factors.  Sometime its in October, sometimes its in September.  We may not know the exact day but we know for sure, the leaves will change.  And every Spring, after Winter has ended, the leaves come back better than ever.  Why can’t we be like the leaves and change.  We know we need to change to be a better person, so why?  That is a good question, but an even better question is how do I change? The answer to that question requires you to evaluate your life.  Ask yourself “Am I meeting my goals when it comes to relationships, my job, and my health?”    If the answers to those question are a “no”, then lets start changing your life. The cornerstone to your new life is your health.  You have got to get in better shape.  Your health affects your brain in so many ways.  Your brain is your CPU.  If it is not functioning in top condition, then how can it make the best decisions for your life.  And we can say the same thing about your heart, lungs and body.  How can we achieve our physical goals if our body is not in shape?  How do we do that? Making big changes right at the beginning can be a little stressful.  So, I suggest you start changing little things first.  For example, if you normally put two teaspoons of sugar in your coffee, put one instead.  If you normally, pour three splashes of milk in your coffee, then cut it back to two.  You can start making changes all over the place.  Instead of two tacos, have one.  Instead of a 24 ounce soda, get a 16 ounce cup. When you start doing these things, you start up the discipline engine inside of your head.  And this engine is the tool that you are going to use to get healthier.  Now, you may already do this for various other foods for various other reasons.   If that is the case, then you have a head start to this process, good for you!  In terms of a diet that is good for you, you should contact your doctor/dietitian.  I have limited knowledge.  The main thing we are doing is to cutting back slowly, so it is not too much of a shock on your body. Phew, that was tough but congratulations, you are on your way to a better you!  In our next post we will continue this process.  Remember that Rome was not built in a day.  These small steps will yield large results!  Hang in there, I know that you can do it!  See you next post!